Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF)
Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) technology is the fastest-growing segment of the commercial HVAC industry. Across the United States, developers and owners are discovering how VRF heating and cooling systems help future-proof their buildings and reduce operational costs. VRF technology divides a building into zones customized for comfort and energy efficiency. With no need for fossil fuels, an all-electric VRF system provides heating and cooling by cycling refrigerants between an outdoor unit and each zone’s ductless or ducted indoor unit(s). Up to 50 indoor units can connect to a single outdoor unit. Zones have individual set points based on usage, occupancy, typical solar loads and user preferences. Facility managers can empower occupants to customize comfort in their zones while retaining the ability to optimize heating and cooling with centralized equipment control. VRF controls can integrate with building automation systems through standard communication protocols like BACnet®.